Limit Numbers

I feel split in two when doing calculus. We can readily translate certain operations (like differentiation) into algorithms. In other cases—antidifferentation comes to mind—the “computational content” is less clear, as they tend to require hunting for a solution using ad-hoc and often very clever tricks.

I’ve always put the evaluation of limits into this second category. But here we’ll see that the situation isn’t so simple, as we’ll write a function limit capable of evaluating the limit of a certain class of sequences. For example:

def s1(n):
    return (12 * n**3 - 3) / (8 * n**3 + 16 * n**2)

def s2(n):
    return 1 / (4 * n)

def s3(n):
    return (3 * n**3) / (1 - n)

# => 3 / 2

# => 0

# => -inf

The Basic Idea

Inspired by techniques using dual numbers to automagically compute derivatives, we’ll construct a new number system that uses pairs of values to track the asymptotic behavior of rational expressions. The idea is much simpler than it sounds.

We quickly learn to evaluate the limits of sequences like:

n12n338n3+16n2n \mapsto \frac{12n^3 - 3}{8n^3 + 16n^2}

by looking at the highest powers of nn in both the numerator and denominator. If they’re equal (as in this case), the limit is the quotient of the leading coefficients (128\frac{12}{8}). If the highest power of nn in the numerator is greater than in the denominator, we know the sequence tends towards \infty or -\infty; which one depends on the signs of the leading coefficients. Finally, if the highest power in the numerator is less than in the denominator, the sequences converges to 0.

It’s pretty easy to teach a computer to do this kind of thing. The basic idea is to replace each term with a pair of numbers, the first of which represents the term’s leading coefficient, and the second its power. Then we just need to make sure that operations on these pairs respect the intuitive rules described above.

Using the sequence above, the body would be replaced by:

(12,3)(3,0)(8,3)+(16,2)\frac{(12, 3) - (3, 0)}{(8, 3) + (16, 2)}

The (12,3)(12, 3) represents 12n312n^3, the (3,0)(3, 0) represents 33 (which is 3n03n^0), etc. The rules for arithmetic (which we’ll define below) result in the following evaluation sequence:

(12,3)(3,0)(8,3)+(16,2)\frac{(12, 3) - (3, 0)}{(8, 3) + (16, 2)} =(12,3)(8,3)= \frac{(12, 3)}{(8, 3)} =(128,0)= \left(\frac{12}{8}, 0\right)

Since the final term has a “power” of 0 (it is “asymptotically constant”), the limit is the value of the coefficient.


So what we’ll call a limit number is nothing more than a pair whose first element is a rational number and whose second is an integer, AKA an inhabitant of the type Q×Z\mathbb{Q}\times\mathbb{Z}. For example, (1,0)(1, 0), (34,3)\left(\frac{3}{4}, 3\right), and (12,1)\left(-\frac{1}{2}, -1\right) are all limit numbers.

You should picture (2,3)(2, 3) as 2n32n^3, (3,2)(3, -2) as 13n2\frac{1}{3n^2}, (42,0)(42, 0) as 4242, (1,1)(1, 1) as nn, etc.

Here’s how we define arithmetic on limit numbers:

(c1,p1)+(c2,p2)={(c1+c2,p1) if p1=p2(c1,p1) if p1>p2(c2,p2) if p1<p2(c1,p1)(c2,p2)=(c1c2,p1+p2)(c,p)=(c,p)1(c,p)=(1c,p)\begin{aligned} (c_1, p_1) + (c_2, p_2) &= \begin{cases} (c_1 + c_2, p_1) &\textrm{ if } p_1 = p_2 \\ (c_1, p_1) &\textrm{ if } p_1 \gt p_2 \\ (c_2, p_2) &\textrm{ if } p_1 \lt p_2 \end{cases} \\ (c_1, p_1) \cdot (c_2, p_2) &= (c_1 \cdot c_2, p_1 + p_2) \\ -(c, p) &= (-c, p) \\ \frac{1}{(c, p)} &= \left(\frac{1}{c}, -p\right) \\ \end{aligned}

A sequence whose body is 2n2+3n22n^2 + 3n^2 behaves asymptotically like 5n25n^2, which is why (2,2)+(3,2)=(5,2)(2, 2) + (3, 2) = (5, 2). Likewise, 2n3+5n22n^3 + 5n^2 behaves like 2n32n^3 (the square term “washes out” in the limit), so (2,3)+(5,2)=(2,3)(2, 3) + (5, 2) = (2, 3).

Concerning muliplication, 3n4n23n \cdot 4n^2 behaves like 12n312n^3, so (3,1)(4,2)=(12,3)(3, 1) \cdot (4, 2) = (12, 3).

Subtraction and division are simply “desugared” using negation and reciprocation, whose definitions are straightforward.

Evaluating Limits

How do these limit numbers help us evaluate the limits of (a certain class of) sequences? Given a sequence expressed as a function that only involves the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, we evaluate the function at the limit number (1,1)(1, 1). As the operations in the body of the sequence are applied to this limit number (which we should think of as representing some variable nn), information about its asymptotic behavior is collected.

This is easier to see with an example. Let’s take the same sequence from above:

n12n338n3+16n2n \mapsto \frac{12n^3 - 3}{8n^3 + 16n^2}

and apply it to (1,1)(1, 1), working through the evaluation step-by-step:

(n12n338n3+16n2)((1,1))\left(n \mapsto \frac{12n^3 - 3}{8n^3 + 16n^2}\right)\left((1, 1)\right) =12(1,1)338(1,1)3+16(1,1)2= \frac{12(1, 1)^3 - 3}{8(1, 1)^3 + 16(1, 1)^2} =12(1,3)38(1,3)+16(1,2)= \frac{12(1, 3) - 3}{8(1, 3) + 16(1, 2)} =(12,0)(1,3)(3,0)(8,0)(1,3)+(16,0)(1,2)= \frac{(12, 0) \cdot (1, 3) - (3, 0)}{(8, 0) \cdot (1, 3) + (16, 0) \cdot (1, 2)}

(in the previous step, we’ve used the fact that we can “lift” any rational number to a limit number by pairing it with a power of 0)

=(12,3)(3,0)(8,3)+(16,2)= \frac{(12, 3) - (3, 0)}{(8, 3) + (16, 2)} =(12,3)(8,3)= \frac{(12, 3)}{(8, 3)} =(128,0)= \left(\frac{12}{8}, 0\right)

Finally, we interpret the result as an element of the extended rational numbers, Q\overline{\mathbb{Q}}. These are just the rational numbers, along with special guests \infty and -\infty.

interpet:Q×ZQinterpret((c,p))={c if p=00 if p<0 or c=0 if p>0 and c>0 if p>0 and c<0\begin{aligned} \mathrm{interpet} &: \mathbb{Q} \times \mathbb{Z} \to \overline{\mathbb{Q}} \\ \mathrm{interpret}\left((c, p)\right) &= \begin{cases} c &\textrm{ if } p = 0 \\ 0 &\textrm{ if } p < 0 \textrm{ or } c = 0 \\ \infty &\textrm{ if } p > 0 \textrm{ and } c > 0 \\ -\infty &\textrm{ if } p > 0 \textrm{ and } c < 0 \end{cases} \end{aligned}

Implementing Limit Numbers

This involves little more than transcribing the ideas above into Python. We’ll represent limit numbers as a class Lim that stores a rational coefficient and an integer power.

class Lim:
    def __init__(self, coeff, power):
        self.coeff = coeff
        self.power = power

But first, we need a way to represent rational numbers like 23\frac{2}{3} in Python.

Quick Detour: Implementing Q

We’ll do so with a class Q whose instances store a numerator and denominator, both integers:

class Q:
    def __init__(self, n, d):
        self.n = n
        self.d = d

Actually we’ll do something slightly more complicated. Instead of just storing n and d as provided, we’ll first simplify them by dividing both by their greatest common divisor. We’ll also ensure that the denominator is positive.

class Q:
    def __init__(self, n, d):
        if d < 0:
            n *= -1
            d *= -1

        g = gcd(n, d)
        self.n = n // g
        self.d = d // g

def gcd(a, b):
    """Compute the greatest common divisor of a and b."""
    while b != 0:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

We could have instead chosen to only simplify “on-demand” when printing or accessing the numerator or denominator, or another more complex strategy, like when the numerator or denominator exceeds some threshold. See this section from SICP for an elaboration of the tradeoffs here.

As a nice quality-of-life improvement, we’ll implement __iter__, which allows us to unpack rational numbers just like tuples:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter((self.n, self.d))

We’ll also want to implement __repr__ and __str__:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Q({self.n}, {self.d})"

    def __str__(self):
        n, d = self
        if n == 0:
            return "0"
        elif d == 1:
            return str(n)
        return f"{n} / {d}"

At this point we can do things like:

print(Q(6, -8))
# => -3 / 4

print(Q(12, 3))
# => 4

It’s now time to define arithmetic operations on Q. First, addition. This involves expressing both terms so that they share the same denominator, then adding the numerators. Symbolically:

ab+cd=adbd+cbdb=ad+cbbd\begin{aligned} \frac{a}{b} + \frac{c}{d} &= \frac{ad}{bd} + \frac{cb}{db} \\ &= \frac{ad + cb}{bd} \end{aligned}

This is easy to transcribe to Python:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Q):
            a, b = self
            c, d = other
            return Q(a * d + c * b, b * d)
            return self + Q.lift(other)

We handle the case where the righthand side isn’t a Q by “lifting” it to a rational number. This encodes the property that 2=212 = \frac{2}{1}, for example.

class Q:
    # ...
    def lift(x):
        """Lift an integer to an equivalent rational number."""
        return Q(x, 1)

Subtraction is desugared using negation:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self + -other

    def __neg__(self):
        return Q(-self.n, self.d)

Multiplication is easy, as every 5th grader knows:

abcd=acbd\frac{a}{b} \cdot \frac{c}{d} = \frac{ac}{bd}

or, in Python:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Q):
            a, b = self
            c, d = other
            return Q(a * c, b * d)
            return self * Q.lift(other)

Division, like subtraction, is desugared using “reciprocation”, which just swaps the numerator and denominator:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Q):
            return self * other._recip()
            return self / Q.lift(other)

    def _recip(self):
        return Q(self.d, self.n)

Finally, we can raise rational numbers to an integer power:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __pow__(self, p):
        if not isinstance(p, int):
            return NotImplemented

        if p == 0:
            return Q.lift(1)
        elif p > 0:
            return Q(self.n**p, self.d**p)
            return self._recip() ** (-p)

We’ll also want to implement __radd__, __rsub__, __rmul__, and __rtruediv__, but these just do the obvious thing:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __radd__(self, other):
        return Q.lift(other) + self

    # Etc.

Finally, we’ll need a way to compare rationals, so we need __eq__ and company. In standard math notation:

ab=cdad=bcab>cdad>bc\begin{aligned} \frac{a}{b} = \frac{c}{d} &\Leftrightarrow ad = bc \\ \frac{a}{b} > \frac{c}{d} &\Leftrightarrow ad > bc \end{aligned}

which is enough to get us started:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Q):
            a, b = self
            c, d = other
            return a * d == b * c
            return self == Q.lift(other)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Q):
            a, b = self
            c, d = other
            return a * d > b * c
            return self > Q.lift(other)

We can implement __ge__, __lt__, etc. in terms of these:

class Q:
    # ...
    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self == other or self > other

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return not self >= other

Whew! About a hundred lines of code, but the result is pretty fantastic:

def rational_fn(x):
    return (2 * x**2 + 3 * x) / (5 * x - 1)

print(rational_fn(Q(3, 4)))
# => 27 / 22

See the full listing for details.

Back to Lim

We’re now in a position to continue our development of the Lim class. Unsurprisingly, this will mirror our implementation of Q in many ways. We’ll first implement some quality-of-life methods:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter((self.coeff, self.power))

    def __repr__(self):
        c, p = self
        return f"Lim({c}, {p})"

    def __str__(self):
        c, p = self
        if p == 0:
            return str(c)
        elif p > 0:
            return f"{c}n^{p}"
            return f"1 / {c}n^{-p}"

And proceed with arithmetic operations. Remember the rule for addition:

(c1,p1)+(c2,p2)={(c1+c2,p1) if p1=p2(c1,p1) if p1>p2(c2,p2) if p1<p2(c_1, p_1) + (c_2, p_2) = \begin{cases} (c_1 + c_2, p_1) &\textrm{ if } p_1 = p_2 \\ (c_1, p_1) &\textrm{ if } p_1 \gt p_2 \\ (c_2, p_2) &\textrm{ if } p_1 \lt p_2 \end{cases}

This is a cinch to translate to Python:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Lim):
            c1, p1 = self
            c2, p2 = other

            if p1 == p2:
                return Lim(c1 + c2, p1)
            elif p1 > p2:
                return Lim(c1, p1)
                return Lim(c2, p2)
            return self + Lim.lift(other)

As in Q, we handle the case where the righthand expression isn’t a limit number by “lifting” it to one. This just involves pairing it with a power of 0:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def lift(x):
        """Lift an integer to a Lim."""
        return Lim(Q.lift(x), 0)

As usual, subtraction is desugared using negation:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self + -other

    def __neg__(self):
        c, p = self
        return Lim(-c, p)

Multiplication is straightforward:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Lim):
            c1, p1 = self
            c2, p2 = other
            return Lim(c1 * c2, p1 + p2)
            return self * Lim.lift(other)

And division is desugared using “reciprocation”:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Lim):
            return self * other._recip()
            return self / Lim.lift(other)

    def _recip(self):
        c, p = self
        return Lim(1 / c, -p)

Finally, raising to an integer power:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __pow__(self, n):
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            return NotImplemented

        if n == 0:
            return Lim.lift(1)
        elif n > 0:
            return self * self ** (n - 1)
            return self._recip() ** (-n)

As with Q, we’ll also want to implement __radd__ and friends in the obvious fashion:

class Lim:
    # ...
    def __radd__(self, other):
        return Lim.lift(other) + self

    # Etc.

Again, see the full listing for details.

Let’s try our example from above:

n12n338n3+16n2n \mapsto \frac{12n^3 - 3}{8n^3 + 16n^2}
def seq(n):
    return (12 * n**3 - 3) / (8 * n**3 + 16 * n)

print(seq(Lim(Q.lift(1), 1)))
# => 3 / 2

Just like we expected!

Defining limit

At last we arrive at the main event: defining the limit function. As discussed above, the idea is to apply the provided sequence to the limit number (1,1)(1, 1):

def limit(seq):
    """Compute the limit of the given sequence as a value in the extended
    rational numbers.
    n = Lim(Q.lift(1), 1)
    out = seq(n)
    # ...

All that remains is to “interpret” the resulting value (out) as an element of the extended rational numbers (Q\overline{\mathbb{Q}}). For this, we need a new class:

class QBar:
    def fin(value):
        q = QBar()
        q.type = "fin"
        q.value = value
        return q

    def inf(pos):
        q = QBar()
        q.type = "inf"
        q.pos = pos
        return q

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.type == "fin":
            return f"QBar.fin({repr(self.value)})"
            return f"QBar.inf({self.pos})"

    def __str__(self):
        if self.type == "fin":
            return str(self.value)
            return f"{'+' if self.pos else '-'}inf"

QBar.fin(...) constructs finite rational numbers, and QBar.inf(...) is used to create positive or negative infinity. With QBar in hand, we can interpret our result:

def interpret(lim):
    """Interpret a limit number as a value in the extended rational numbers."""
    c, p = lim

    if p == 0:
        return QBar.fin(c)
    elif p < 0 or c == 0:
        return QBar.fin(Q.lift(0))
        return QBar.inf(c > 0)

allowing us to complete the definition of limit:

def limit(seq):
    n = Lim(Q.lift(1), 1)
    out = seq(n)
    return interpret(out)

And that’s all there is to it! This system is now capable of evaluating the limits from the introduction:

def s1(n):
    return (12 * n**3 - 3) / (8 * n**3 + 16 * n**2)

def s2(n):
    return 1 / (4 * n)

def s3(n):
    return (3 * n**3) / (1 - n)

# => 3 / 2

# => 0

# => -inf

What’s Next?

One critical shortcoming of limit is that it’s not able to compute the limit of any interesting sequences. For instance, this sequence converges to Euler’s number (ee):

n(1+1n)nn \mapsto \left(1 + \frac{1}{n}\right)^n

Here it is in Python:

def e(n):
    return (1 + 1 / n) ** n

And indeed, if we sample its millionth term, it’s correct to the first 5 decimal places:

import math

# => 2.7182804690957534

# => 2.718281828459045

However, limit can’t handle it:

# => TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'Lim' and 'Lim'

At the moment, Lim only supports raising to integer powers, but here we’re trying to use a limit number as the power.

Could we extend Lim to support this? Probably not, unfortunately. The most immediate problem raised by allowing this is that sequences no longer necessarily converge. For instance:

n(1)nn \mapsto (-1)^n

just oscillates between -1 and 1. It has no well-defined asymptotic behavior.

But maybe it’s just a matter of extending limit to return a special "divergent" value when the sequence diverges. Perhaps if we know all of the cases in which this causes oscillation (maybe it’s just a matter of checking if the leading coefficient is negative), and then extend our Lim class to include new asymptotic classes (representing xnx^n, xnnx^{n^n}, xnnnx^{n^{n^n}}, etc.), this would work.

But I doubt it’s that simple, because as the Euler sequence shows, this changes the codomain of limit from Q\overline{\mathbb{Q}} to R\overline{\mathbb{R}}. Asking for the limit of a sequence that converges to ee is, in a sense, begging the question. That’s because we’re likely defining ee as the sequence:

n(1+1n)nn \mapsto \left(1 + \frac{1}{n}\right)^n

(or rather, the equivalence class that this sequence belongs to).

This, in itself, isn’t a problem. It seems like we need to extend both the power type and the coefficient type:

The last point is illustrated by the fact that:

n(1+1n)nn \mapsto \left(1 + \frac{1}{n}\right)^n

would get evaluated to a limit number like (1,n)(1, n), at which point we’ve lost information about the sequence, which interpret needs to return. It should probably be evaluated to:

(1,1+1n,n)\left(1, 1 + \frac{1}{n}, n\right)


I can imagine some new rules, like:

xn={(c,n) if cQ(x,n) otherwisex^n = \begin{cases} (c, n) &\textrm{ if } c \in \mathbb{Q} \\ (x, n) &\textrm{ otherwise} \end{cases}

Then we need to extend interpret to deal with these changes. Maybe something like this:

def interpret(lim):
    c, p = lim

    if c.type == "sym":
        # The limit is possibly a real number, defined by the sequence itself.
        if p.type == "int":
            # Current cases.
            # Powers of "n".
            if c < 0:
                return LimType.divergent()
            elif c < 1:
                return LimType.rational(Q.lift(0))
                return LimType.inf(True)

What about fractional powers of nn, though? The expression:


has no definition in the rational numbers.

Alright, so what if we only allowed polynomial exponents? A limit number would now look like:

(Q,Expr,P[n])\left(\mathbb{Q}, \mathrm{Expr}, \mathbb{P}[n]\right)

This disallows definitions like:

n2nnn \mapsto 2^{n^n}

but perhaps we could handle this as well (“hyperpolynomials”?).

A Slightly different Tack

What about sequences that compute square roots? I don’t know of any non-recursive sequences that do so, and right now our system doesn’t allow recursion. This is because there’s no way to compare limit numbers, and thus no way to check for a termination condition. Comparison would allow us to define Babylonian-style sequences like:

def sqrt2(n):
    guess = Q.lift(1)
    i = 0
    while True:
        if i >= n:
        #    ^^ comparison
            return guess
        guess = Q(1, 2) * (guess + 2 * 1 / guess)
        i += 1

(Note that we haven’t used range here to make the comparison more obvious.)

The sequence sqrt2 computes the nth term in a sequence of rationals that converges to 2\sqrt{2}:

for n in range(5):
    print(f"{n}: {sqrt2(n)}")

# 0: 1
# 1: 3 / 2
# 2: 17 / 12
# 3: 577 / 408
# 4: 665857 / 470832

This seems a bit trickier than the problem above. As in the case with Euler’s sequence, we need to “freeze” this sequence and just return it as the limit. But I suspect this exposes us to a whole new area of possibly divergent sequences, since our sequences can now do “real computation”. In order to handle these cases, limit would need to effectively know “all of math”.

For instance:

n{1 if prime(n) and prime(n+2)0 otherwisen \mapsto \begin{cases} 1 &\textrm{ if } \mathrm{prime}(n) \textrm{ and } \mathrm{prime}(n + 2) \\ 0 &\textrm{ otherwise} \end{cases}
def twin_primes_seq(n):
    """Returns 1 if n and n+2 are prime, and 0 otherwise."""
    if prime(n) and prime(n + 2):
        return 1
        return 0

def prime(n):
    # ...

This sequence converges to 0 if, at some point, we run out of “twin primes”, and it diverges otherwise. In order to know the answer, limit would need to be able to prove or disprove the famous twin primes conjecture!

So here’s where I’m at with this: