Normalizing Lambda Terms
In this post we’ll look at how to normalize lambda terms in a purely syntactic way (i.e. without appealing to neat but fancy techniques like normalization by evaluation).
A lambda term is either:
- A bound variable with an integer index indicating how many intervening binders one must hurdle in order to reach its binding abstraction.
- An abstraction, which stores its body.
- An application of one term to another.
data Term
= Var Int
| Abs Term
| App Term Term
deriving (Show)
Normalizing a term is then a process of repeatedly applying “reductions” wherever we can. A reduction is possible wherever an abstraction is the operator of an application (a so-called “beta redex”). In particular, when an abstraction is applied to something, we replace the entire application with the result of substituting the operand into the abstraction’s body wherever the bound variable occurs. In exceedingly pithy formal terms:
(\.b) t ==> b[0->t]
That is, the term (\.b) t
is reducible to b
, where all occurrences of the
bound variable with index 0
(the one bound by this abstraction) in b
are replaced with the operand term t
So reduction is just a process of repeated substitution.
Lambda terms are just fancy trees, so replacing occurrences of bound variables in a “host term” with another term requires recursing through the host term, doing the appropriate thing with each variant:
- If the host term is a bound variable, check its index: if it’s equal to the index we’re substituting for, return the substitution term; otherwise return the host term unchanged.
- If the host term is an abstraction, recur on the body. The only catch is that we need to increment the substitution index to account for the fact that we’ve crossed over a binder.
- If the host term is an application, simply recur on the operator and operand.
Here’s what that looks like:
-- | Replace all bound variables having the provided index with the indicated
-- term inside a host term.
-- That is, `subst i sub host` is morally equivalent to `host[i->sub]`.
subst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst i sub t@(Var j)
| i == j = sub
| otherwise = t
subst i sub (Abs body) = Abs $ subst (i + 1) sub body
subst i sub (App rator rand) =
let rator' = subst i sub rator
rand' = subst i sub rand
in App rator' rand'
All of the action in the lambda calculus occurs when abstractions are applied, a
situation referred to as a beta redex.
Here’s a reduce
function that recursively scours a lambda term, reducing beta
-- | Reduce beta redexes in the provided term.
reduce :: Term -> Term
reduce t@(Var _) = t
reduce (Abs body) = Abs (reduce body)
reduce (App rator rand) = case reduce rator of
(Abs body) -> reduce $ subst 0 rand body
op -> App op $ reduce rand
The only interesting case is the final one, in which we replace a beta redex
with the appropriate substitution.
Note that we call reduce
on the result of the substitution, since it might
have created new redexes to reduce.
Unfortunately it’s incorrect, and for a subtle reason.
The problem is that we’re stripping off a binder without adjusting the indices
of bound variables within the body
of the operator abstraction.
For instance, consider this somewhat contrived term:
\a.(\b.(b a) a)
The inner abstraction (\b.(b a)
) can be applied to the variable a
, resulting
\a.(a a)
However, reduce
returns a different (and nonsensical) term:
bad = reduce $ Abs (App (Abs (App (Var 0) (Var 1))) (Var 0))
-- Abs (App (Var 0) (Var 1))
-- ^ Should be 0
Luckily the fix is straightforward: after substituting, we need to decrement the indices of some bound variables within the result. Which bound variables? Only those that “point” to binders outside of the current term.
So instead of:
(\.b) t ==> b[0->t]
we’ll do:
(\.b) t ==> shift b[0->t]
We’ll implement a shift
function in a second that does just this, but before
we do so we need to think a little bit harder about our fix.
Naively shifting the result of the substitution will fix the problem we’ve
identified above, but it also introduces a new bug: it might incorrectly
downshift indices of bound variables in the operand term.
What we need to do instead is preemptively upshift indices in the operand term, perform the substitution, then downshift the indices in the resulting term:
(\.b) t ==> downshift b[0 -> upshift t]
A single shift
function can do the work of both downshift
and upshift
long as it’s passed an integer argument indicating how much to shift by:
-- | Shift the indices of bound variables bound by binders outside of the
-- current term by the provided amount.
shift :: Int -> Term -> Term
shift n = shift' 0
-- bc = "binder count"
shift' bc t@(Var i)
| i >= bc = Var (i + n)
| otherwise = t
shift' bc (Abs body) = Abs $ shift' (bc + 1) body
shift' bc (App rator rand) =
let rator' = shift' bc rator
rand' = shift' bc rand
in App rator' rand'
With shift
in hand, we can correct reduce
reduce :: Term -> Term
-- ...
reduce (App rator rand) = case reduce rator of
(Abs body) ->
let arg = shift 1 rand
subbed = subst 0 arg body
in reduce $ shift (-1) subbed
op -> App op $ reduce rand
And the indexing problem is fixed!
bad = reduce $ Abs (App (Abs (App (Var 0) (Var 1))) (Var 0))
-- Abs (App (Var 0) (Var 0))
-- ^ Looks good!
There’s actually another lingering bug related to incorrect indices that’s not
addressed by our changes.
Specifically, subst
needs to also keep track of how many binders have been
crossed, and shift the substituted expression accordingly:
subst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst i sub = subst' 0
subst' bc t@(Var j)
| i + bc == j = shift bc sub
| otherwise = t
subst' bc (Abs body) = Abs $ subst' (bc + 1) body
subst' bc (App rator rand) =
let rator' = subst' bc rator
rand' = subst' bc rand
in App rator' rand'
A Stronger Encoding
As it stands, reduce
makes a fairly weak claim:
reduce :: Term -> Term
namely, that it transforms a term into another term. This admits, among other things, the following incorrect definition:
reduce = id
We can do better.
Specifically, reducing a term produces another term in which no beta redexes occur, and this is the kind of thing we can express in a datatype:
data ReducedTerm
= ReducedAbs ReducedTerm
| Stuck StuckTerm
deriving (Show)
data StuckTerm
= StuckVar Int
| StuckApp StuckTerm ReducedTerm
deriving (Show)
The key observation is that it’s not possible to concoct a ReducedTerm
containing a beta redex, since any term in the operator position of an
application is “stuck” (either a variable, or an application that is itself
Of course, every ReducedTerm
is equivalent to some “regular” Term
-- | Convert a reduced term to a term (the reduced terms are "embedded" in the
-- set of terms).
toTerm :: ReducedTerm -> Term
toTerm (ReducedAbs body) = Abs $ toTerm body
toTerm (Stuck s) = unStuck s
unStuck (StuckVar i) = Var i
unStuck (StuckApp rator rand) =
let rator' = unStuck rator
rand' = toTerm rand
in App rator' rand'
With ReducedTerm
in hand, we can sharpen the type of reduce
reduce :: Term -> ReducedTerm
reduce (Var i) = Stuck $ StuckVar i
reduce (Abs body) = ReducedAbs $ reduce body
reduce (App rator rand) = case reduce rator of
(ReducedAbs body) ->
let arg = shift 1 rand
subbed = subst 0 arg (toTerm body)
in reduce $ shift (-1) subbed
(Stuck op) -> Stuck $ StuckApp op $ reduce rand
A Few Examples
We end this post with a few classics examples. First, the successor of the successor of the successor of zero is three:
suc = Abs $ Abs $ Abs $ App (Var 1) (App (App (Var 2) (Var 1)) (Var 0))
zero = Abs $ Abs (Var 0)
three = App suc $ App suc $ App suc zero
toTerm $ reduce three
-- Abs (Abs (App (Var 1) (App (Var 1) (App (Var 1) (Var 0)))))
De Bruijn indices are really a pain to work with by hand…
We can also construct pairs and project their components:
cons = Abs $ Abs $ Abs $ App (App (Var 0) (Var 2)) (Var 1)
fst' = Abs $ App (Var 0) (Abs $ Abs (Var 1))
snd' = Abs $ App (Var 0) (Abs $ Abs (Var 0))
pair = App (App cons zero) three
toTerm $ reduce $ App fst' pair
-- Abs (Abs (Var 0))
toTerm $ reduce $ App snd' pair
-- Abs (Abs (App (Var 1) (App (Var 1) (App (Var 1) (Var 0)))))
(I’ve applied toTerm
to the output of reduce
to make the results a little
easier to read.)
Finally, we should check that the infamous Omega combinator can’t be normalized:
omega = Abs (App (Var 0) (Var 0))
reduce $ App omega omega
-- waiting...
-- ...
-- ...
-- Ctrl^C
Well that’s enough fun for now. In future posts we’ll see how to extend this system along a number of different dimensions.