This site contains a collection of blog posts and essays, most of which concern some topic in math or computing.
- First Success with the DFT Log Signals
- Sampling SVG Paths Log Signals Bezier-Curves
- Circle Machines Log Signals
- Epicurean Wisdom Reflection
- Learning about the DFT Log Signals
- Political Ecology Reflection
- Visual Aliasing Notes
- The Joy of Scheming Reflection Scheme
- A Little Gradient Descent Notes AI Python
- 2D Convolutions with Numpy Notes Python
- The Golden Ratio Math
- Wanting to Want Reflection
- This is not a Compiler PL
- Teaching My Machine to Play Tic-Tac-Toe Log Rust
- LEM Ain't False Tutorial Lean Logic
- Normalizing Lambda Terms Tutorial Haskell Lambda-Calculus
- Limit Numbers Sketch Calculus Python